Terms of joining Vaal Action Group

Vaal Action Group (“VAG”) is a group established to take action to address the serious environmental challenges that threatens the Vaal river system.

VAG recognizes that South Africa is a water deficient and drought prone country. This fact, coupled with the rapidly escalating population, industrialization and the need to deliver efficient water and sanitation services, emphasizes the need to ensure optimal and sustainable water quality in the country and to protect the unique bio-diversity of our river systems, with our focus being the Vaal river. 

Our aim is to take positive action to prevent the ongoing pollution that is destructive to the plant and animal life and impacts negatively on the river as sustainable resource, to implement preventative measures and take steps to rehabilitate the river. The group is non-political and not affiliated with any organization and/or group/s, and its sole purpose is to advance the principles set out herein above and to create a platform for likeminded people to join us in taking positive action to protect, preserve and continuously monitor the Vaal river system.  We align ourselves with any and all interest groups that share our objective and we recognize the need to liase with and/or co-operate with all interested parties and role players, in order to effectively work towards achieving our goals.

Members volunteer their time, services and expertise for no remuneration and we call on people that want to make a difference to join forces with us and to contribute to this cause.

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